2024 Parade Marshal Nomination

As the 4th of July Parade Committee selects Marshals for this year’s parade, we welcome the community’s suggestions! There are three (3) types of Marshals. Please indicate your nomination for any of these categories. Your name and contact number will be helpful if we need more information.

Nominations do not guarantee selection or invitation. All invitations to prospective Marshals will be determined by the 4th of July parade committee, and the committee will have the final say as to how many invitations within each category are extended.

Invitations to Marshals, if accepted, require the Marshal(s) to arrange their own entry in the parade in keeping with the parade entry requirements and submission of a parade entry form. No fees are required.


1. Grand Celebration Marshal

This Marshal is connected to the parade theme in some way. This year the theme is “Hoosiers – Calling You Home!”
Name of Nominee

2. Grand Parade Marshals

These Marshals represents a community person or organization’s accomplishment or achievement since the last parade.
Name of Nominee

3. Honorary Marshals

These Marshals are individual students, clubs, or sports teams from area schools who competed at the state or national level.
Name of Nominee